Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Episode 9 - Sauce Loss


This was supposed to be about sauces. This was supposed to be a full episode. We saved what we could. SORRY OK. You'll still get to hear two songs from Mote. You'll still hear new Aesthetics Versus Architecture and hear Blake and Jared hanging out with Matt Haas (Animal Hair Museum), Puckett (Little Heart Records) and guest host Eric McManus (Nixon).

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Episode 8 - That Time Oliver Stone Told Us About Adolf (The Rest of 2012)

Happy 2013! We kick off the new year by... talking about the old one.
Music by Trevilian and our unsigned band of the episode: Youth At Heart!

As always, email us at!

(Sorry about the "static" by the way)